After my traumatic experience with the fire. My thoughts today lead me again to realize how blessed I truly am! God has been so good to me and I want to give something back and allow Him to work through me . I know I was saved to serve, not to sit around and wait for heaven! I don't hear God whispering in my ear, “Do this or do that.” What I do have is His word. If I'm in it regularly, I see more clearly. It's in the word that God shows what His desire is. It's there for anyone who is willing to pick it up.
I have been working really hard these past few months and decided to give myself a break in doing events. After the holiday stress, --i feel that January is the right time to relax. Isn't good to just take some time to relax, clear the schedule, and just appreciate having no where to be, and nothing to do? Yes, i have to make time for that!
But my vacation planning suddenly changed when i received a call last January 8 from Ms. Joy Ibuna -Leoy and asked my help to organize the grand alumni homecoming and healing mass with Rev. Fr. Fernando Suarez as celebration for their 25th grand alumni homecoming.. " We only have weeks to go, i need your help Shaz! " she anxiously said with a worried trembling voice. At that moment everything was spontaneous and without hesitation, i awed and said "Let's do the Healing mass, Ms Joy!".So I met up with her on the same day to plan and polished the event. I know I've been called for a holy and noble purpose....I knew in my heart i was placed on this event for a special assignment and to make a contribution.
Discovering that unique gift

When i accepted this work i knew in my heart that im a a step closer in discovering myself spiritually and my purpose. I am in the right place in life now because it is all part of God's plan. I am accomplishing the things I am because God wants me to.
Then it finally hit me.

How could this be? Whats happening?
" This is just one of those distractions and oppressors because the enemy knows we are doing something for the Lord. but we know that goodness will always prevail. God is always on our side"
Attitude of Faith
I've got goosebumps all over me after reading that text message from Ms Dianne, a wonderfully effective and hardworking member of the healing mass committee.I closed my eyes and prayed so hard to God to renew the right spirit in me. i guess thats what faith is all about.You have to start believing that good things will come and justice will prevail because God will be at your side. I told myself that i am not allowing any circumstances or feelings to dull my enthusiasm and imprison me in a negative frame of mind.
Suddenly, My phone rang and it was Ms. Joy on the other line..I told her sadly that giving up the project crossed my mind. She replied " Its time to move on, let go of the failures and dillemas and pains.Today is a new day, keep your mind moving in the right direction and stay focus .It doesnt matter how big are obstacles are, for God is with us."
Within a matter of minutes,the situation began to turn around.First, i got my joy back. Then my energy and vitality returned. Most importantly, i got my faith back.I will never be able to fully explain what happened to me after talking to Ms. Joy, but I am completely sure the enormous power of the Holy Spirit hit me like a lightning bolt. I felt something run through my entire body and a liberating peace overcame me. I had such joy in me and it is a heavenly feeling.I still get tears in my eyes everytime I think of that divine experience.I may not understand it but I know He is in control and all things will work together for my own good.
It suddenly crystalized what I was trying to do. It was one of those moments when “inspiration" as your failures suddenly makes sense.But that makes it sound like one flash of light and ta-da! It's all sorted out. It blinded me for awhile but now i can clearly see the picture. Enemies are attacking us because we are doing something for the Lord.
Many of you didnt know that my friend and my client, Ms Joy Ibuna-Leoy as the head of the Mass committee has also been experiencing trials prior to our Healing Mass event. She just lost someone dear to her and some people in her life are saying things about her that arent true, telling lies ,trying to ruin her reputation ...others even betrayed her. Nothing is more frustrating than being accused of something you didnt do and Yes, I all witnessed those painful false allegation and left indelible scars and until now is hurting her. It would be logical for her to seek revenge. I even encouraged her to do so to set the record straight. But she kept her silence, and focused herself to the Healing mass. She didnt even bother to sink down to her offenders' level , nor gets into an argument for she said it will just make matters worst.Instead, She leave it all to the Lord, took the high road and responded in love. Instead of paying back, she trusted GOD's timing and kept a good attitude of faith and thats what i admired about her.
Although she was heartbroken, Ms Joy remained a person of prayer. She kept close to god to overcome this battle through prayers. During our pre-event production, We always start a day of work with a prayer ,thanking the Father for this beautiful blessing , to keep our Mass Committe strong in the Lord and the power of His might, for us to be well on what He have called us to do, aligning our thoughts and Words with His
God is her vindicator and just trusted His timing to settle her case,make the wrong rights because sooner or later God will bring justice into her life and one touch of God's favor can bring the right person in your life.
The Truth will prevail
As for me, i guess its the time to share, even in it’s incomplete form.This Healing Mass event isnt just a work but a CALLING.I knew in my heart that God made me an instrument and has made a way for me to be a voice to the hearts of His People. As you can see in my past blogs,i write about every event and inspirations that i handle . I talk about all the experiences i had with each and every event.
Long story. To shorten it......
We’re going to go behind the scenes as it were, maybe just a short step back from the pulpit...
As the scripture says, "No weapon formed against you is going to prosper". We didnt go under, but we went through! We kept on standing strong, showed the enemies and negative forces that we are more determined than they are. We kept on praying, kept on believing, kept singing songs of praise,kept fighting the good fight of faith and as promised, God gave us victory!We thank you Father that You faught the battles for us! The Homecoming Healing Mass was a huge success!!!!
Thank You Lord Jesus, You are a miracle working God!
I’m grateful to say the below are all people I’ve met, spent time around,worked with, and touched each others lives in one way or another along the journey. We became good friends and they're the "ates" i never had...
There have literally been hundreds of ‘defining’ moments that have helped shape my life with this Healing Mass event but one of the most important was the day I created “ the ultimate test" for myself. Through this simple process I discovered and committed principles for guiding my life — I created my ‘mission’ as some may say. I think of these as my North Stars. They’re always there helping me navigate but the clarity I have on how I live my life is always in front, calling me forward and guiding my decisions.
My stand is this...
There may be a lot of issues and conflicts with this event right now, but at the end of the day,there are only so many battles one can fight in life.And that we have to move into something that will make us a better person. This is also the right time to stop wasting time with the boneheads who continioulsy makes false accusation. Now you've heard the real score. If you didnt get it then its your loss. Lets be frank BEFORE YOU MAKE ANOTHER ACCUSATION , Ms Joy didnt pay nor commanded nor instructed me to write about this.... I wont keep my silence because the Lord can use the power of my tongue and this Testimony can change lives and open your eyes... but if that's opened your eyes then I guess my blog has done its purpose.. Now the ball is now in your court, You cant put question mark where God has put a period.Quit living in a negative frame of mind stewing something that is over and done.The bottomline is The healing mass was a huge succes and healed thousands of sick people. Take your scars and turn them into stars. But understand,wether you will experience all those good things in the future depends to a large extent on your willingness to let go of the bitterrness of the past. like the bible says " Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come, You must live for today. START RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. You cant do Anything about what's gone, but you can do a great deal about what it remains'.

To Ms. joy Ibuna - Leoy, you are a woman of strength. You've inspired me so much.
Whether you know it or not, you've shed light on my path I could not have walked alone.I believe that God will restore everything that the enemy has stolen from you. Even if the enemy hits you with her best shot,her best will be never good enough. She may knock you down, but cannot knock you out....When its all said and done, when the smoke clears and dust settles, you are going to be standing strong for the LORD will be your shield. NO ONE can ever steal your JOY.
May you continue to be a blessing and an inspiration to others.
So why have I agreed to publish this article? For personal reasons? Probably. For completion of a turbulent chapter in my life? Hopefully. To try in some way to set the record straight? Absolutely!
Have a blessed day to all!